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Friday 22 June 2012

Just Say “No” To Processed Foods

Processed foods are cheap, convenient and easy to prepare. Unfortunately, these foods are
bad for your health. Of course, you’d never know this by watching those hyped up television
ads. Since manufacturers aren’t going to give you the dirty on the ingredients they use in
processed foods, I’ll gladly do it for them.

Let’s start with trans fat. This ingredient lowers good cholesterol, raises bad cholesterol,
and can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. Considering heart disease is one of
the leading killers of men and women, trans fat is one ingredient
you want to steer clear of.

If you’re wondering where that double chin came from, the high fructose corn syrup used in
some of your favorite processed foods may be partially to blame. This ingredient has been
getting a lot of press lately because it is believed to be a major player in the rising
obesity epidemic.

Don’t even get me started on the chemicals manufacturers use in processed foods.
If I tried to name some of these chemicals, I’d be tongue tied for days. Besides, you’d
probably think I was reading the label on a can of bug spray instead of the ingredients
in your favorite microwavable meal.


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